
The most important part of the initiative is to build community around data visualisation. We hope to achieve this in a number of ways.

Communication channels

We’re also working on developing a community communication framework. We’ve started with a TUoS google group which can be joined here through a TUoS google account. But are working on expanding and diversifying communication channels. But we are working on expanding and diversifying communication channels and have now added a slack channel for more informal communication and chat. Join here and remember to say hello in our #welcome channel.


We’ll be hosting a variety of events including talks & symposia, workshops, vis-coding clubs and data visualisation hackathons!.

But just to give an idea, here's a selection of workshops in the pipeline:

  1. Data visualisation in R
  2. R, htmlwidgets & Shiny
  3. Dataviz using vegalite


We are constantly looking for new ideas and suggestions for events, workshops or tutorials. Feel free to get in touch with us through the google group or slack team with any suggestions. We will also be putting together more formal contributing guidance should you wish to contribute to our online resources directly through github including blogposts and turtorials.